Hello fellow humans, here we are at an interesting brink of our civilization in so many ways. A bit of a sink or swim moment if you will. Well, I choose swim = LOVE. Thanks for staying attuned to my tunes my beautiful friends! Difficult times for touring musicians as we (or the venues) decide what shows and travel to keep and which ones to cancel. In the midst of it all however, The Show Must Go On and so here is my latest single “Show On The Road” – some of you have heard it already when you bought my double vinyl “East Of Lincoln” release. But for the more digital fairing folks, please buy a track, stream it, put it on a playlist & share it with your friends, it all helps! https://ffm.to/show_on_the_road |

A Post Valentines day – through trials and tribulations – love song! Hope the ones you love can hear you now, as you too, call out to them ❤️ 🎶And I hope to offer some musical solace in these very challenging times my friends. Thanks for listening 🙏 #newmusicfriday
Mixed and recorded by Steve McCormick, Ben Peeler on lap steel, Gabe Noel on 8 string bass, Wally Ingram on drums & mastered at Bakery Mastering
*Now for gigs happening in the near future Please Stand By:
April 2nd San Antonio, TX
Richter Goods/Broadway News presents
April 4 – Utopia, TX
Sweet Party Utopia TX
April 5th – Austin, Tx
Cosmic Cafe
April 19th – Petaluma, CA
Mystic Theatre
w/ Shawn Amos & The Brotherhood
May 2 Redondo Beach, CA
BeachLife Festival w/Counting Crows, Steve Miller Band, Ben Harper, Lukas Nelson . .to name a few
*as always the Music Store at TomFreund.com is always open
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